Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: May 2010
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switch_adf_log - manual page for switch_adf_log (RSBAC 1.4.4)  


switch_adf_log (RSBAC 1.4.4) *** Use: switch_adf_log request [target] [value] request = request name or ALL, value = [012] target = target type name, leave out for ALL
-h = this help, -- = no more flags,
-n = list all requests, -t = list all target types
-b = backup log level settings
-g = get not set, -s = scripting mode
-V version = supply RSBAC integer version number for upgrading


Use: switch_adf_log request [target] [value] request = request name or ALL, value = [012] target = target type name, leave out for ALL
-h = this help, -- = no more flags,
-n = list all requests, -t = list all target types
-b = backup log level settings
-g = get not set, -s = scripting mode
-V version = supply RSBAC integer version number for upgrading




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 15:05:34 GMT, May 28, 2010